Property tax exemption for rented personal property modified [Sec. 2037m, 9337 (5k), 9437 (5k)] -
Act 55``Retailer" definition excludes operator of distribution facility selling tangible personal property, coins, and stamps on behalf of a third-party re sale and use tax; JSCTE appendix report [Sec. 2516, 2517] -
Act 55Unclaimed money or securities: county treasurer duty to provide legal notice modified, Internet and Wisconsin newspapers provisions -
Act 246Wisconsin Digital Property Act (Chapter 711) created -
Act 300Abuse or neglect of a child with a disability: DCF to develop and implement plan to improve practices used in the investigation of; minimum requirements specified; deadline for specified agencies to adopt -
Act 365Capital assistance program for specialized transportation revisions [Sec. 649, 2577-2592, 3399, 4328, 4329] -
Act 55Court jurisdiction (subject matter and personal) clarified in restraining order and injunction cases re domestic abuse, child abuse, at-risk adult abuse, and harassment -
Act 4``Elderly and disabled" changed to ``seniors and individuals with disabilities" re certain transportation aids [Sec. 649c-g, 2576k-w] -
Act 55Family Care programs, IRIS, and long-term care program revisions; DHS to administer in every county, federal waiver provision, JCF approval of plan and waiver; aging and disability resource centers evaluation and reports required; Children's Community Options Program created; Medicaid services division created [for section numbers and vetoes, see entry under ``Nursing homes and adult care"] -
Act 55Independent living center grants: DWD to transfer moneys to DHS [Sec. 714, 716, 743, 744, 1645, 1648] -
Act 55Independent living services grants created [Sec. 703h, 1644w, 1645c] -
Act 55Physician assistants and advanced practice nurse prescribers authorized to provide information for or certify that a person with disabilities is eligible for certain DNR hunting and fishing approvals -
Act 97Supplemental forfeiture allowed for certain violations against the elderly and disabled re laws DATCP has rule-making, investigation, or enforcement authority -
Act 252Support accounts for individuals with disabilities (ABLE accounts): provisions authorizing creation repealed; tax benefit contributions to accounts in other states continues; excluded from income re long-term care program eligibility; Internal Revenue Code provisions -
Act 312Support accounts for individuals with disabilities created, based on the federal ABLE program [Sec. 316e, 2118e, f, 2124e, 2186s, 9337 (2j)] -
Act 55Taxicab permitted to stop in a disabled parking space to load a passenger with a disabled parking card, conditions specified -
Act 362Transfer of hunting, fishing, or trapping approval to a person with a disability permitted under certain conditions; transfer of a Class A bear license to a Purple Heart recipient or armed forces member on active duty permitted under certain conditions -
Act 98WC law revisions re general coverage, payment of benefits, hearing and procedures, and program administration; self-insurer provisions; DWD, LIRC, DHA, and DOJ duties -
Act 180Agricultural Producer Security Council member names, appropriation for inspection and certification of grain expenses, service of process for DATCP, ASTM International references, providing DATCP with copy of ordinances re pesticides (remedial legislation) -
Act 186Classification of certain fuels and petroleum inspection duties transferred from DSPS to DATCP [Sec. 2200b-2202b, 2327b-2329b, 2683b-m] -
Act 55Oil overcharge funds, federal: program governing expenditures eliminated [Sec. 87, 793] -
Act 55PECFA eligibility revised; sunset provision [Sec. 4212, 4213] [4213 -- partial veto] -
Act 55Petroleum inspection fund transfer to transportation fund [Sec. 9238 (1)] -
Act 55Corrections System Formulary Board created in Corr.Dept re therapeutic alternate drug selections in the state correctional system -
Act 40Home medical oxygen provider: licensure program administered by the Pharmacy Examining Board established, emergency rule provision -
Act 3Injectable prescribed drug product or device administered by a pharmacist or pharmacy student expanded -
Act 290Opioid antagonists, such as naloxone: clarifications to prescribing, dispensing, and delivery provisions; standing orders allowed -
Act 115Pain clinic certification provisions created, requirements specified; DHS duties -
Act 265Pharmacists administering vaccines to children age 6 to 18: required to update the Wisconsin Immunization Registry and MA reimbursement provisions [Sec. 1801, 4037] -
Act 55Pharmacy benefit manager pricing transparency requirements created, definition provisions [Sec. 4590p, 9422 (2j)] -
Act 55Pharmacy Examining Board authority to authorize a pilot program; waiver or variance from a rule provision -
Act 313Prescription drug monitoring program changes re timing of submission of records, disclosure of records, and review of patient's records exemptions; DSPS Secretary to notify LRB when the program is operational; emergency rule and personally identifiable information provisions -
Act 266Prescription drug monitoring program transferred to CSB from the Pharmacy Examining Board; rule provisions re record disclosure and failure to comply; CSB membership modified; definition provisions [Sec. 175, 524, 3483, 4474, 4477, 4731f-k, 9138 (1)] -
Act 55Prescription refills: pharmacist may dispense varying quantities under certain conditions; limited to 90-day supply; excludes controlled substances -
Act 291Abortion law revisions re postfertilization age of unborn child, prohibition at or after 20 weeks, hospital and clinic reporting requirements, and informed consent; exemption, civil remedies, injunction, and penalty provisions -
Act 56Behavioral health care coordination pilot projects and psychiatric consultation reimbursement pilot projects authorized; grant to develop Internet site and system re availability of inpatient psychiatric beds; DHS duties and reports required -
Act 153Body cavity search: immunity from civil and criminal liability for physician, physician assistant, or registered nurse conducting the search -
Act 238DHS authorization to charge assessments to health care providers eliminated [Sec. 671, 3484] -
Act 55Emergency detention pilot program in Milwaukee County sunset delayed; crisis assessment by certain health care providers provisions [Sec. 1881, 1883k, 9418 (3)] -
Act 55Epinephrine auto-injectors: physician, physician assistant, or advanced nurse practitioner may prescribe to an authorized entity, definition provisions; liability exemption for trained employees of authorized entity -
Act 35Guidelines issued by certain credentialing boards allowed re best practices when prescribing controlled substances; MEB examination authority re physician license applicants -
Act 269Interstate Medical Licensure Compact ratified; MEB annual report required; sunset provision -
Act 116Opioid antagonists, such as naloxone: clarifications to prescribing, dispensing, and delivery provisions; standing orders allowed -
Act 115Pain clinic certification provisions created, requirements specified; DHS duties -
Act 265Physician assessment appropriation in DHS: lapse to general fund [Sec. 9218 (2c)] -
Act 55Physician assistants and advanced practice nurse prescribers authorized to provide information for or certify that a person with disabilities is eligible for certain DNR hunting and fishing approvals -
Act 97``Unarmed combat sports" replaces ``mixed martial arts fighting" and regulations modified, exemptions specified; definition, physician, and DSPS provisions -
Act 277Trees, shrubs, or hedges along highways: town authority to allow another person to plant on town land -
Act 236Wild ginseng license fees deposited in the conservation fund [Sec. 620] -
Act 55Public fire protection charges on municipal water utility bill: person who owns certain adjacent parcels are billed as one parcel [Sec. 3528k] -
Act 55Town zoning ordinance provision revised re approval by county board; withdrawing from coverage of a county zoning ordinance and county development plan; shoreland and floodplain zoning ordinances; and plat and certified survey map approval -
Act 178Guidelines issued by certain credentialing boards allowed re best practices when prescribing controlled substances; MEB examination authority re physician license applicants -
Act 269Accompaniment by victim advocate: victims of certain crimes have right to request re examination, consultation, proceedings, or interviews; hospital and law enforcement civil liability immunity and confidentiality provisions -
Act 351Alcohol beverage server issued citation for selling or providing alcohol beverages to underage person on licensed premises, not the retail licensee; undercover law enforcement operation provision -
Act 339Battery or threats to cause harm to a current or former judge, prosecutor, law enforcement officer, or their families: felony penalty provisions -
Act 78Certification cards for concealed weapons: qualified former law enforcement officers may receive from a successor agency and DOJ may issue to former out-of-state law enforcement officers who are Wisconsin residents -
Act 68Child and family support obligations: public employee income continuation insurance and duty disability benefits may be assigned for support or arrearage payments [Sec. 1401, 1473, 1782, 4252, 4605-4607, 9306 (2)] -
Act 55Child sex trafficking crime expanded; child abuse definition and investigation, and juvenile court orders provisions -
Act 367Crime prevention funding board (CPFB) created in each county that receives funding from certain surcharge; grants to nonprofit organizations and law enforcement agencies for crime prevention purposes; reports required [Sec. 1004, 1908, 1910, 1915, 4619, 4620, 4733, 4734, 9129 (1)] -
Act 55Firearm possession in a school zone: exemption for qualified law enforcement and former law enforcement officers; trespass provision -
Act 23High-deductible health plan option for municipal police officers, fire fighters, and EMTs [Sec. 1952c] [partial veto] -
Act 55Hit-and-run incidents: law enforcement agency to disseminate reports through the integrated crime alert network under certain conditions -
Act 315Law enforcement agency required to report controlled-substance violations, opioid-related drug overdoses or deaths, reports of stolen prescription drugs, and certain other information to the Prescription Drug Monitoring Program -
Act 268Missing child who is the responsibility of DCF, Corr.Dept, county services, or licensed child welfare agency: reporting requirements to local law enforcement and the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children -
Act 368